The Luxembourg Arbitration Center (LAC) is excited to announce the launch of its redesigned webpage, an essential resource for the national and international arbitration community. This revamped online page is designed to simplify navigation and enhance the user experience, making it even easier for visitors to access vital information on arbitration in Luxembourg and the LAC, available services, and tools.
Key Features of the New LAC Webpage:
- User-Friendly Interface: the redesigned webpage boasts a modern and intuitive layout, ensuring that users can quickly find the information they need on arbitration at the LAC.
Cost Calculator: one of the new additions to the LAC webpage is the Cost Calculator tool. This new feature allows parties to estimate the costs associated with their arbitration proceedings. By entering relevant details, users can get a clear picture of the anticipated expenses, helping them make informed decisions from the outset.
Initiating a Request: The LAC webpage offers step-by-step guidance on initiating an arbitration request. Users can access comprehensive information on the process, required documentation, and timelines.
Model Arbitration Clause: To assist parties in drafting arbitration clauses, the new webpage provides model arbitration clauses that can be incorporated into contracts. These clauses are a practical and reliable way to ensure that arbitration is a viable option for resolving potential disputes between business partners at the LAC.
Toolbox: Our new website also includes an innovative Toolbox, providing quick access to the latest information, news, conference announcements, and videos related to arbitration. This feature allows you to stay constantly informed about the most recent developments in the field of arbitration in Luxembourg and at the LAC
To explore the new webpage and take advantage of these valuable resources, visit www.cc.lu/en/arbitration today.
About Luxembourg Arbitration Center (LAC): The Arbitration Center of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, also known as the Luxembourg Arbitration Center (the LAC) was created in 1987 to provide an alternative to the judicial settlement of disputes which often prove to be too long, expensive and unsuited to the technical and complex issues of the world of business. The LAC has its own Arbitration Rules, which were updated on 1 January 2020. Hearings can be held in state-of-the-art hearing room facilities at the Chamber of Commerce, which are equipped with cutting-edge technology and amenities to ensure a conducive and professional environment for arbitration proceedings.
In addition to providing arbitration services, the Center is proactive in promoting arbitration in Luxembourg by contributing to the development of arbitration law, to the training of quality arbitrators and by providing support to local arbitration associations