The Chamber of Commerce has issued its opinion on the bill to amend the health measures to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, which can be consulted under this link.
These measures were announced by the Government during the press conference of 22 December 2021. In particular, they provide for the application of the 2G+ regime, i.e. the requirement to present the negative result of a self-diagnostic test carried out on the spot, except for people who have already received a booster vaccination, in addition to the presentation of a certificate of vaccination or recovery (known as Covid check) for access to certain establishments and events. The HORECA and events sectors are particularly affected by these measures. The former will also be required to close their establishments by 11pm at the latest.
The Chamber of Commerce is surprised and deeply regrets that the proposed measures have not already been included in the modifications to the health measures by the law that came into force on 17 December 2021 - even though the Omicron variant had already been declared a cause for concern on 26 November by the WHO - which would have better enabled businesses to prepare for these new measures. In its opinion, it warns in particular about the costs of purchasing self-diagnostic tests that companies affected by the 2G+ regime will have to bear, about the very short timeframe for obtaining these tests since the text is scheduled to come into force on 25 December 2021, and about the difficulties of applying the provisions concerning company restaurants. As regards self-diagnostic tests, shortages are foreseeable. It is necessary to ensure that sufficient tests will be available to the businesses concerned, particularly HORECA establishments, which will otherwise be unable to welcome customers. It also considers that the measures planned in terms of aid, although welcomed, remain insufficient and that it is necessary to adapt the partial unemployment scheme in view of the restrictive health measures planned, which will severely affect businesses.