Entrepreneurs: creators of wealth and jobs
The entrepreneur is the real engine of economic life in terms of wealth creation and employment. This is why the Chamber of Commerce has made the promotion of the entrepreneurial spirit and the sensitisation of the general public and especially of the younger generation to the values of entrepreneurship an absolute priority. Whether it is through the institution of a simplified regulatory framework for business creation (simplified limited liability company (S-àr.l.-s)), the sensitisation of future graduates, the promotion of a change of mentality in the general public or the direct support of initiatives for young entrepreneurs, the Chamber of Commerce fully plays its role as ambassador of the values of entrepreneurship, because it sees in the spirit of enterprise a vector of growth and personal fulfilment.
House of Entrepreneurship: a one-stop shop to facilitate access to entrepreneurship
Created in 2016 with the support of the Ministry of the Economy, the House of Entrepreneurship provides a one-stop shop for entrepreneurship advice and assistance to project initiators and established businesses. This one-stop shop has the particularity of bringing together under one roof a wide range of actors involved in all stages of the life of businesses. The partners of the House of Entrepreneurship accompany you during your entrepreneurial journey.
Partner of the House of Entrepreneurship : ADEM, Administration de l’enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVA - AED, Administration de l’Environnement, Betriber; Emwelt - LIST, Digital Lëtzebuerg, 1535°, Chambre des Métiers, guichet.lu, House of Startups, Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle Luxembourg, Inspection du Travail et des Mines, Jonk Entrepreneuren, Luxembourg Business Angels, Luxembourg Business Registers – RCSL, Luxinnovation, Microlux, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes, Ministère de la Santé, Ministère de l’Agriculture, Ministère de la Fonction publique et de la Réforme Administrative, Ministère de la Digitalisation – CFUE, Mutualité de Cautionnement, nyuko, Paul Wurth InCub, SNCI, Technoport, Touchpoints, Wide and various players.
House of Startups
Initiated by the Chamber of Commerce, the House of Startups opened its doors in 2018 in the heart of the Luxembourg capital with the capacity to host between 150 and 200 innovative startups on over 4,000 m2.
The House of Startup hosts varies incubators. The Luxembourg-City Incubator, an initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and the City of Luxembourg, offers support to startups from various sectors, such as the creative industries or social or female entrepreneurship. It accompanies startups by offering them, in their early phase, support in terms of accommodation, advice and training. The Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT) offers hosting and support services to companies from the FinTech sector. It also raises awareness of the use of new technologies within the Luxembourg financial sector. Hub@Luxembourg is an accelerator for innovative startups with high international growth potential and the International Climate Finance Accelerator (ICFA) is an initiative of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and 9 private partners that supports innovation and high-impact strategies to train tomorrow's leaders in climate finance fund management.