Country seminar: Uzbekistan

Montag 18 Sep 2017

Conférence / séminaire

Montag 18 Sep 2017


Chambre de Commerce

On September 18th 2017, the Chamber of Commerce of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg will organize, in close collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Brussels, a country seminar on business opportunities in Uzbekistan.

Strategically situated at the heart of Eurasia, between Russia, China, the European Union and the Middle East, the country that once was the pivot of the Original Silk Road is striving to become, once again, the go-to hub for intercontinental exchange along the New Silk Road, also known as One Belt One Road. The gargantuan intracontinental project initiated by the Chinese Government that is to bring an infrastructural revolution throughout 60 countries and over 10.000 kilometers is only one of the many prospects and possibilities to be found in Uzbekistan. On top of the logistical potential, the Republic of Uzbekistan has taken incremental steps to reform the business sector and address impediments to foreign investment in the country, in order to facilitate access to its market for foreign businesses.

  • How could Luxembourg companies benefit from this repositioning?
  • What are the existing opportunities for Luxembourg companies in this rapidly changing market?
  • What are the areas where the needs are greatest?

The needs for infrastructure modernization and development (in particular for the development of logistics) are enormous and there are many opportunities, whether for renewable energies, for ICT or for modernization of the agricultural, the food and the steel industry. The seminar, open to all sectors of activity, will include a presentation of the Uzbek economy, advice on business habits and cultural differences, and testimonials from Luxembourg companies active in Uzbekistan.

Tentative Programme:

  • 16:00 – 16:10 Welcoming speech by the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg
  • 16:10 – 16:30 Welcoming speech by HE Mr. Dilyor KHAKIMOV, Ambassador of Uzbekistan
  • 16:30 – 17:00 Keynote speech by Mr. Botir PARPIEV, Chairperson of State Tax Committee of Uzbekistan
  • 17:00 – 17:30 Testimonial Speeches
  • 17:30 Networking Cocktail

In case of interest, you are kindly requested to duly complete the linked registration form no later than September 15th, 2017.

For further information about this upcoming event, feel free to contact Mr Steven Koener (tel: 42 39 39 - 379) or Mrs Sarah Nilles (tel: 42 39 39 - 316).