International Logistics Matchathon

Dienstag 26 Mai 2020


Dienstag 26 Mai 2020

5.30 pm

EYnovation™, the innovation program powered by EY Luxembourg, in collaboration with the Cluster for Logistics, the House of Startups (HoST)/Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce,the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works, the China-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (CHINALUX), the Luxembourg Open Innovation Club (LOIC), the Luxembourg Business Angel Network (LBAN) and the German tech consulting boutique CorpPearls are pleased to invite you to the first-ever International Matchathon dedicated to Logistics players to create enriched business opportunities! We will officially launch this Matchathon with a virtual kick-off ceremony.

This event aims at joining the forces of StartupsCorporates and business influencers, to create new business opportunities and matchmake for good!

It will offer a myriad of benefits and opportunities, for ALL Entrepreneurs, Corporates and Supporters.

Make sure to not miss this exciting opportunity by registering to the kick-off ceremony!

To register, please click here