Let's Talk Circular Conference 2021 - Innovative sustainable building

Dienstag 18 Mai 2021


Dienstag 18 Mai 2021

at 2PM

Following our kick-off event on circular economy in 2019, we invite you to our online conference on sustainable construction on May 18th 2021 at 2PM.

Sustainability in building developments is a vast and complex subject that involves many different factors, both environmental and social. Successful companies will present projects and products they have developed to make the construction industry more sustainable.


  • Welcome: Managing director of AHK debelux Hans-Wolfgang Busch
  • Josefina Lindblom, European Commission: Levels 
  • Olivier Vassart, Steligence, Arcelor Mittal: Circular Construction
  • Anton Martens, BC Materials: The Future of Building
  • Stefanie Mohmeyer, BASF: Sustainability? you can build on? Neopor® BMB – the Low Carbon  EPS  for construction applications?
  • Q&A session: Ask your questions to the experts in the chat box! 

Online registration: https://debelux.ahk.de/veranstaltungen/event-details/innovative-sustainable-construction