Life Cycle Management Conference

Sonntag 3 Sep 2017 > Mittwoch 6 Sep 2017

Conférence / séminaire

Sonntag 3 Sep 2017 > Mittwoch 6 Sep 2017

3rd to 6th September 2017

An international b2fair matchmaking event will be organised during the “Life Cycle Management Conference”, which will take place in Luxembourg from 3rd to 6th September 2017.

The Life Cycle Management Conference series is the leading forum worldwide bringing together 600+ scholars and practitioners from 40+ countries working in industry, academia and public institutions in the field of life cycle sustainability and circular economy. It takes place every second year, each time organised by a leading research institution and industry in the domain. In 2015, this successful event counted over 650 international participants with more than one third of companies.

Organised in Luxembourg this year, the 8th edition of this conference is chaired by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg. ArcelorMittal, will support the conference organisation as industrial co-chair. Thirteen high level keynote speakers confirmed their venue, such as Mr Bertrand Piccard, Initiator of the Solar Impulse project and President of the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions.

In addition to the keynotes, the 35 thematic session of LCM 2017 conference aims at discuss and advance the implementation of Life Cycle approaches related to:

  • The development of industrial technologies, products, services and policies;
  • The development and management of smart agricultural systems, smart mobility systems, urban infrastructures and energy for the built environment.

LCM2017 conference will offer you:

  • Access to all the conference sessions and workshop presentations planned.  
  • Numerous networking opportunities, especially thanks to the b2fair Matchmaking event.

Participation conditions:

The organisers of the Life Cycle Management have reserved special conditions for SMEs from the Greater Region: EUR 291. This fee includes participation in the 3 days of conferences, networking and social events at Cercle Cité and Rockal as well as the possibility to manage efficiently your business meetings thanks to the b2fair matchmaking.

Please find hereafter more information on the conference programme and registration conditions: