Managing self and leading others without authority: leadership principles

Mittwoch 3 Okt 2018

Conférence / séminaire

Mittwoch 3 Okt 2018


Chambre de Commerce

Interested in knowing more about managing self and leading others without authority? Do not miss our KeyNote conference featuring Paul Green, a doctoral Candidate in Management at Harvard Business School and experienced entrepreneur on October 3rd, 2018, starting at 6.30 pm. Here is a look at what he says about how to lead with influence rather than with authority and the evolution of management over the next 10 years.

"Leader as influencer is somewhat intuitive: this is the way we tend to think about leadership. It’s about 'how do I interact with other people in order to get them to do what I need them to do?'. It’s about the words you use, the way you treat others, perhaps your personality. But that’s only one part of leadership. Leaders also, whether they realize it or not, are creating an organizational context—through rules, policies, structures, cultural norms—that will also influence others’ behavior—even when the leader isn’t physically there. think that organizations and society more generally will evolve to see work differently—not just as a place where people get a paycheck for their time or services, but as a place that is meant to fulfill some wide set of critical and deep needs. My theory and hypothesis is that organizations that recognize these heightened expectations sooner rather than later, and respond to them, will be the leaders in their industries—they’ll be most attractive to employees, and the environment, because it fulfills these expectations, will lead to maximal motivation and performance."

Read more in the upcoming "Merkur" print edition.

About the Keynote Speaker

Paul Green, Jr is a doctoral Candidate in Management at Harvard Business School. His research explores the ways in which relational experiences lead to, or inhibit, important outcomes such as engagement, motivation and performance.

In 2006 Paul joined The Morning Star Company, a California based integrated food processing company, where he co-founded the Morning Star Self-Management Institute. Paul was principally responsible for advancing Morning Star through their unique and innovative organizational system.

Morning Star, which has been called, “the world’s most creatively managed company” and was named one of Inc. Magazine’s most audacious companies because of their organizational system, is widely considered one of the world’s leading organizational innovators.

Register here:

Practical details:

  • welcoming registration will take place between 6.00 and 6.25 pm on the d-day;
  • the event will be hosted by the Chamber of Commerce. Venue: Conference room C1;
  • a parking is at your disposal at the Chamber of Commerce.