Official mission to Brazil (Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro)

Sonntag 16 Nov 2014 > Freitag 21 Nov 2014

Mission économique

Sonntag 16 Nov 2014 > Freitag 21 Nov 2014

Brazil (Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro)

The Chamber of Commerce of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in close collaboration with Luxembourg for Finance will organize a multi-sectoral trade mission to Brazil. The delegation will be led by H.E. Mr. Pierre Gramegna, Minister of Finance and the mission will last from the 16th to the 21st of November 2014. The Chamber of Commerce will organize a sectoral program for the non-financial companies that will accompany this mission.

The mission to Brazil, which is currently the seventh world economy, will comprise stops in the two major economic hubs of the country São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, a third city may be added in case of sufficient interest.

Luxembourg for Finance will hold seminars promoting various aspects of Luxembourg’s financial and economic centre in São Paulo on Tuesday, 18 November 2014 in the morning and in Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday, 19 November 2014 in the morning.

The program of the mission will include sectoral workshops, networking events, company visits and individual business meetings upon request. The mission is open to all sectors of activity. Nevertheless, a special focus will be put on logistics, ICT and life science. Join the business delegation to one of the world’s most rapidly developing economies where new business and investment opportunities arise daily.