ONLINE WORKSHOP: Leader – The 10 pillars of influence

Donnerstag 9 Dez 2021

Développement d'entreprises
Création d'entreprise
Formation et Education

Donnerstag 9 Dez 2021

09:00 – 10 :00



Awareness  workshop

What will you learn?

How to be an efficient and persuasive leader?

This webinar will introduce the 10 key competences to become this natural leader that others follow without even thinking about it!


Introduction: influence is considered as one of the most recent managerial skills and is composed of different competences. Become this impactful manager, acting as a human leader… it is time to get rid of hierarchical authority!

Overview of the 10 pillars of influence to inspire you.

Conclusion: As we all know, being a leader or manager is not easy and as Ken Blanchard said it: "The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority."


Who is it for?

Any manager (expert or newly promoted) and any business leader that aim to develop new competences in leadership.

Speaker’s presentation: CAMPI-BLAIN Céline, EiviLux

Founded in 2017, HR specialist Céline Campi-Blain realised many businesses wanted experts to manage their human resources. She now offers tailored solutions for businesses of all industries and sizes. Céline has also worked as a qualified coach developing team potential, and on top of that offers two custom training courses: one for HR professionals, and one for individuals in leadership roles. Eivilux is also founder of the only HR exhibition dedicated to HR professionals in Luxembourg, the HR LUX Trade Fair.


A program developed by the House of Entrepreneurship of the  House of Entrepreneurship of Chambre de Commerce.



House of Entrepreneurship

14, rue Erasme, L-1468 Luxembourg


T: (+352) 42 39 39 - 850


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