Training « How to raise funds »

Donnerstag 8 Okt 2015

Conférence / séminaire

Donnerstag 8 Okt 2015

nyuko, 121 rue de Hollerich, L-1741 Luxembourg

What goes through an investor’s mind ? Why does one startup raise funds and not another? What is the successful and pragmatic path towards a successful fund raising?

Come and join us for an intense 1,5 day training at nyuko taught by top-notch investors and an entrepreneur that successfully raised funds.

Raising funds is a challenging and exhaustive journey. nyuko Funding gathered the best experts to help you understand, execute and master this process. This one-and-a-half day of training will cover all aspects you need to know, such as facing different types of investors, implementing and piloting your financial performance, value your company, legal fundamentals when negotiating for your shareholders’ agreement,…

Every curious mind eager to learn from the pros is welcome. Registrations close on October 7th.

Speakers :

  • Laurent Muller (Managing Partner at Muller & Associés, General Partner at Sting S.A.)
  • Fryderyk G. Rdultowski (CFO at Join Experience)
  • Jérôme Wittamer (Founding Partner at Expon Capital ; Chairman at LPEA)
  • Emmanuelle Ragot (Partner at Wildgen)
  • Olivier Zephir (Pitching expert at Technoport)
  • Marc Molitor (President at LBAN; Chairman at Doctena; Business Angel)
  • Tor Erland Fyksen (Co-founder at Advanzia Bank; Business Angel)
  • Florence Roux (Director at PwC’s Accelerator)
  • Nicolas Valaize (Project Manager at Nyuko)

Place : nyuko, 121, rue de Hollerich L-1741 Luxembourg
Date : Thursday October 8th from 8h30 to 17h00 and Friday October 7th from 8h30 to 12h30
More info and registration at 

Unique platform of entrepreneurial expertise, nyuko Luxembourg intends to propel the entrepreneurial ecosystem by creating a favorable environment for the emergence of the new. nyuko is open to all entrepreneurs, regardless of their stage of business development.