Womenentrepreneurshipand the pandemic:challenges and solutions 1year on

Donnerstag 4 Mär 2021


Donnerstag 4 Mär 2021


  • 9.00 - WELCOME
    Martha Schultz - Chair of EUROCHAMBRES Women Network (EWN)

  • PRESENTATION of Covid19 surveys:
    Giulia Rocchi - Coordinator EUROCHAMBRES Women Network
    Tiziana Pompei – Deputy Secretary General of Unioncamere

    Angelika Winzig – Member of the European Parliament

  • 10.00 - SESSION 1: initiatives of EU institutions
    Fabrizia Benini, Head of unit Digital Economy and Skills, DG CONNECT (tbc)
    Dana Adriana Puia Morel, Women entrepreneurship, SME Policy, DG GROW
    Carlien Scheele, Director, European Institute for Gender Equality (tbc)

  • 10.30 - SESSION 2: Chambers response and best practices
    Piret Potisepp, Head of Services Department, Estonian Chamber of Commerce
    Fany Ruin, President, CCI Amiens-Picardie
    Marta Díaz Alonso, Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship, Chamber of Commerce of Spain
    TOBB representative (name tbc)

  • 11.15 - Q&A session

  • 11.30 - Conclusions by Ben Butters – CEO of EUROCHAMBRES

More information and registration on: https://www.eurochambres.eu/event/women-entrepreneurship-and-the-pandemic-challenges-and-solutions-1-year-on/