International Affairs

The 11th edition of the Taiwan-Luxembourg Joint Business Council (TLJBC) was held at the Chamber of Commerce on November 30, 2018, exactly one year since the last edition, which took place in Taipei.
This yearly bilateral business meeting between Taiwan and Luxembourg entrepreneurs is a platform for Taiwanese and Luxembourg-based companies to establish or further strengthen existing business contacts and to explore new opportunities in the fields of trade, investment and research cooperation.
The Chamber of Commerce welcomed a Taiwan delegation of 24 entrepreneurs and researchers led by Mr. Walter Chang, Vice Chairman of the Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association (CIECA), the initiator and partner of the TLJBC. This year’s meeting also hosted a special partner: United Computer Association of Taiwan /New Taipei City Computer Association /Silicon Touch Technology Inc.
On the Luxembourg side, there were representatives from the consulting, fintech, fund management, innovation, pharmaceutical and cleantech industry.
The meeting was jointly chaired by Mr. Robert Dennewald, Vice Chairman of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and acting Chairman of the TLJBC, and Mr. Chi-Yuan Chin, Chairman of the Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association (CIECA).
In his welcome address, Mr. Dennewald mentioned the recent settlement of the Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office (LTIO) in Taipei and congratulated Tania Berchem on her appointment as Executive Director since April 1st, 2018. Together with her two team members, she will work actively to facilitate trade between Luxembourg and Taiwan and support investments; Mr. Dennewald also announced Taiwan – Luxembourg ‘Working holiday program’ that will take effect on January 1st, 2019 on and allow an annual quota of 40 citizens aged 18-30 to travel and work in each other's country for up to one year. This is to help advance bilateral tourism, cultural and youth exchanges.
All participants greatly appreciated the inspiring remarks delivered during the opening ceremony by the conference co-chairmen, Mr. Chi-Yuan Chin, and guest of honour, Dr. Ho-Jen Tseng, Representative of the Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium.
The 11th Luxembourg-Taiwan Joint Business Council Meeting dealt primarily with opportunities to enhance cooperation in the fields of Smart City, IoT (Internet of Things) and Circular Economy. Prominent speakers from both sides made presentations on relevant topics such as “The outlook of Luxembourg's innovation” by Mr. Ian Cresswell, Head of International Affairs at Luxinnovation and also “Introduction to the Circular Economy Development in Taiwan” given by Mr. LIN Chun-Hsu, Deputy Director at the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research Center for Green Economy.
In addition to the Luxembourg-Taiwan Joint Business Council Meeting, other innovative sectors were introduced within the plenary session and discussed during a networking lunch.
The Luxembourg-based Company, SuperDrecksKëscht, represented by Mr. Thomas Hoffmann, Public Relations and Communication coordinator, shared his know-how and experience in the waste treatment. Then, Ms. LIU, Mei-chi, Managing Director of Shoprider, Mr. CHIN, Chi-Yuan, Chairman of New Taipei City Computer Association/Silicon Touch Technology Inc. and Mr. LO, Chi-Chung, Director of e-Formula Technologies Inc., introduced their business and shared their market expectations for their Taiwanese companies.
The TLJBC was closed with the signature of a “Joint Business Statement” and it was agreed that the 12th Taiwan-Luxembourg Joint Business Council Meeting would be held in Taiwan next year.
In the afternoon, the Taiwan delegation visited as planned, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), the largest employer in public research in Luxembourg, located in Esch-Belval. The LIST offered to the Taiwanese delegation a rich and comprehensive program, encompassing a site visit followed by various presentations and demonstrations dedicated to Smart Mobility, Smart Space, Greentech & Policy Support, etc. The delegation had also the opportunity to visit the Cognitive Environment Lab. The Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) joined the LIST to share its latest research on Urban Development and Mobility.
To close their stay in Luxembourg, the Taiwanese delegation was offered a wine tasting in Remich and experienced a river cruise on the Moselle while enjoying a meal on board to take advantage of the touristic and gastronomic attractiveness of the Grand Duchy.