Tackling cyber criminality

On June 11, the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, together with Business Sweden – The Swedish Trade & Invest Council and the Embassy of Sweden to Luxembourg, organised a seminar discussing mutual challenges related to cyber security in the framework of the visit of a Swedish Delegation composed of cyber security companies to Luxembourg.
In the light of the growing threat of cyber crime and cyber terrorism, this seminar focused on accentuating the challenges of cyber security and stimulating an exchange of knowledge and experiences between Sweden and Luxembourg. The keynote speakers on the Luxembourg and Swedish side provided insight on the national cyber security strategies, thereby contributing to discuss best practices and critical elements pertaining to cyber security. Ann Linde, the Swedish State Secretary for Home Affairs at the Ministry of Justice joined the morning session via videoconference in order to inform the audience about the challenges Sweden is facing within Cyber Security and the concrete measures, projects and bills of law which are being implemented in order to tackle this issue. On both sides, the importance of public and private cooperation, both on a national and international level emerged as fundamental when it comes to ensuring cyber security. The morning session provided concrete insight on the projects in both countries allowing for an exchange of experience and possible future cooperation in this field. Finally, the Swedish Delegation composed of the companies Ericsson, Outpost24, Tutus Data, Behaviosec, Comex Electronics and the Luxembourg companies itrust consulting and Excellium presented their innovative solutions and technologies during a session of Case presentations.
The afternoon was dedicated to B2B sessions between Luxembourg and Swedish companies, allowing them to discuss potential projects and cooperations.