International Affairs

In the context of Luxembourg Trade & Invest, the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce with the kind support of the Embassy of Belgium in Luxembourg and the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium, VBO-FEB, organised the ‘Go International: Belgium’ webinar on 4 March 2021.
The event, part of a series of webinars introducing the Luxembourg Trade & Invest network around the globe, presented the services delivered by the Luxembourg Trade Attachés in Belgium as well as the opportunities for Luxembourg companies on the Belgian market.
The webinar was opened by H.E. Arlette Conzemius, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Belgium, who mentioned the numerous bilateral ties that created over many years a climate of trust. H.E. reminded that trust being the ideal foundation for doing business, has paved the way for digging deeper into business opportunities and looking for further cooperation. Mrs. Cindy Tereba, Director of International Affairs at the Chamber of Commerce, introduced the audience to the Luxembourg Trade & Invest network abroad: in addition to the 9 Luxembourg Trade and Invest Offices outside of Europe, the 4 trade representatives (in Germany, France, UK and Brussels) operate under the umbrella of Luxembourg Trade & Invest, which is coordinated by the Ministry of the Economy, the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and Luxinnovation. They coordinate and support Luxembourg companies in their efforts to go international.
The Brussels Office was founded in 2016. Belgium, being a very important trading partner of Luxembourg, is in fact the perfect match just across the border to build longstanding trusted commercial relationships. Following the introduction, Mr. Daniel Sahr, next to Mrs. Claudine Otto, Economic and Trade Attachés at the Embassy of Luxembourg in Belgium, presented the services offered by the Trade Office in Brussels. They informed participants on the activities of the Business Club Belgium Luxembourg aisbl, the exclusive network for Belgian and Luxembourg companies active in or willing to expand their business to the respective markets.
Mrs. Emmanuelle de Foy, First Counsellor at the Embassy of Belgium in Luxembourg, depicted the Belgian market, its specificities, and gave a general overview of its economy. Belgium, being a federal state, needs a detailed market analysis before jumping into it with a one size fits all commercial approach. Following her presentation, Mrs. Sofie Brutsaert, Adviser Competence Centre Energy, Climate & Mobility at VBO-FEB, focused on the Belgian logistics sector with an in-depth presentation of the different fields of activity. She delivered an impressive picture of how one single sector turned into the backbone of numerous industries in Belgium and positioned the country in an interconnected and international fabric of trade activities.
Finally, Mr. Thomas Bosmans, Portfolio Manager at WDP - warehouses with brains, illustrated in a testimonial the company’s experience in the field of logistics and especially the complementarities the Belgian and Luxembourg markets offer to logistic companies.
If you have missed the webinar and would like to learn more about the different topics discussed, please enjoy the video recording available ‘on demand’ below.
Webinar - Go International: Belgium from Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce on Vimeo.
Since physical connections with our network have been very complicated or almost impossible over the last year, we initiated a new type of interaction method. During video consultations our people can answer your questions but also bring you their respective markets closer. Bookings can be made via the following link.
Contact details:
Trade & Commerce Attachés – Brussels
Daniel SAHR / Claudine OTTO
Tel : +352 621 235 828 / +352 621 162 758
Email : daniel.sahr@mae.etat.lu / claudine.otto@mae.etat.lu
BCBL - Secretariat
Tel : +32 2 737 57 34
Email : bruxelles.BCBL@mae.etat.lu
Web : www.bcbl.be