
On 29th March 2019 at midnight local time, the United Kingdom will leave the European Union. This has been the will expressed by the British voters in the referendum of June 23, 2016 which saw the victory of the "leave" by 51.9%.
This political act will have immediate consequences that may have a significant impact on the business life of many European companies. The deadline approaching very fast and with a view to assisting you in the best way possible in your internationalisation process, the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and its Enterprise Europe Network wish to assess the concerns and inherent risks that Luxembourg companies are facing with regard to Brexit.
Your contribution to this survey will make it possible to better target your expectations and to adapt the envisaged information and awareness campaigns to your concerns on the spot. In addition, your precious feedback will allow our teams to streamline the different actions carried out according to your needs and to ensure that the quality of the services provided are in line with your expectations.
Therefore, your are invited to participate in this survey and to complete the online questionnaire by Monday, 22nd October 2018 at the latest. The Chamber of Commerce undertakes that the data collected will be treated confidentially and in compliance with the new European data protection regulations (GDPR - EU/2016/679) entered into force on 25th May 2018.
For further information, the team of the Enterprise Europe Network of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce remains at your entire disposal (contact person: Ms Anne-Catherine Fohl; email: prepare4brexit@cc.lu; tel. +352 42 39 39 372 / 333).