Startups, established entrepreneurs and any aspiring entrepreneur are welcome

Startups, established entrepreneurs and any aspiring entrepreneur should check out the events being held by the House of Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg on September 19th and October 3rd.
The Entrepreneurs’ Days –Autumn Edition aim again at highlighting entrepreneurial opportunities and hot topics in Luxembourg and at supporting all people setting up their own businesses in Luxembourg by providing the tools and information they need during short and practical events.
As well as a line-up of informative and engaging speakers, such as the leadership expert and Dr. from Harvard Business School, Paul Green (speaking 03rd October at 6:30pm), participants can attend all sessions on a first come first served basis. Registration is entirely free and uncomplicated (RSVP via Eventbrite).
Among the various topics covered will be business setup in Luxembourg, design thinking, intellectual property, circular economy and going international for local SMEs.
Check the landing page www.entrepreneursdays.lu to view the full line-up of this two-day seminar.