4th Edition of the Female Board Pool Seminar

Dienstag 22 Jan 2013

Conférence / séminaire

Dienstag 22 Jan 2013

From 8:30 until 16:30

Chambre de Commerce

The limited number of women participating on board of directors of publicly traded and other companies has been the subject of much discussion and public debate in Luxembourg and throughout Europe over the last year or so.

Several alternatives have been proposed to facilitate an improvement of the representation of women on board of directors. Regardless of whether any legal or political actions are taken to increase the number of female directors there now appears to be some momentum underway to diversify company boards, especially after the publication of Europen Comissioner Viviane Redings' proposal:

To help prepare Luxembourg and other European based companies for this situation and to ensure the matching of appropriately qualified and vetted female Board of Director candidates,  a cooperative initiative has been set up in order to create, train and manage a Female Board Pool.

After the huge success of the launch of the first Female Board Pool Seminar on March 8th, 2011 and it's second and third editions in 2011 and 2012, the 4th edition is taking place in Luxembourg on Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013.

This initiative is under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Equal opportunities in Luxembourg and the Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg and in cooperation with the wellknown Center of Corporate Governance at the University St. Gallen/Switzerland.

Program of the FEMALE BOARD POOL SEMINAR on January 22nd, 2013

Venue: Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg, 7, rue Alcide de Gasperi, Luxemburg-Kirchberg

08:30 Registration and Welcome Coffee

09:00 Presentation of the Participants and the Agenda

09:20 Welcome Video Message of Mrs. Viviane REDING, Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship

09:30 New Corporate Governance: the Board as a Directing and Controlling Team by Prof. Dr. Martin HILB, Managing Partner of the Center for Corporate Governance, University St. Gallen/Switzerland

11:00 Coffee Break

11:15 Luxembourg Legal Framework of Corporate Governance - and Getting Women on Board Mrs. Monique BACHNER, Bachner Legal, Luxembourg

12:15 Common Lunch and Networking

13:45 World Café Workshops: Best Practices and Challenges for Leading Women - Learnings from other Countries

Mrs. Sladja MILOSEVIC, Mobilis Ltd. Belgrade/Serbia

Mrs. Ana OLIVEIRA PINTO, Consultant and Executive Coach, Lisbon /Portugal

Mrs. Kirsten M. POULSEN, KMP+, Copenhagen/Denmark

Mrs. Claudia RITTER, Director, Female Board Pool, Brussels/Belgium

14:45 The Support of a Cross-Mentoring Program for Women at Board of Directors by Mrs. Rosa VILLALOBOS, Head of Macquarie Luxembourg Office and Director of Macquarie Boards, Mentee in the Cross-Mentoring Program for Women at Board of Directors

15:00 ROUND TABLE: The Impact of Commissioner Reding's Initiative for Luxembourg and the Female Board Pool Database

Mrs. Daniela KLASEN-MARTIN, Managing Director, Dominion Corporate Group, Luxembourg

Mrs. Brigitte POCHON, Managing Partner, Pochon Lawyers & Associates, Luxembourg

Mrs. Supreetee SADDUL, Independent Director in Boards, Luxembourg

Mr. Paul SCHONENBERG, Chariman and CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg

Mr. Anthony SMITH-MEYER, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Business Compliance, Luxembourg

16:00 Closing Discussion in the Plenum

16:30 End of the Female Board Pool Seminar

More information on : www.female-board-pool.com