Country seminar Senegal and Ethiopia

Mittwoch 16 Dez 2015

Conférence / séminaire

Mittwoch 16 Dez 2015


Chamber of Commerce

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce has the pleasure to invite you to a Seminar on Business and Investment Opportunities in Eastern and Western Africa, organized in close cooperation with the LuxAfrica Investments Association. The Seminar will have a special focus on the Republic of Senegal and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. The Seminar will take place on December 16th 2015 at 16:30 pm at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. The objective of the event is to inform about the current economic situation and business environment in these two countries and to explore how economic and commercial relations with Luxembourg can be enhanced.

This Seminar is meant to be informative with testimonials from expert-speakers on their experiences with these respective countries which will be of utmost interest for Luxembourg companies looking to explore business opportunities in different fields of activities.

The Chamber of Commerce seizes this occasion to announce that a Trade Mission, led by the Chamber, will take place from February 1st until February 6th 2016. The first destination will be Dakar, Senegal followed by Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It will be the first Economic Mission organized by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce to the Sub-Saharan part of Africa and it will mark the beginning of our strategy of showing an accrued Luxembourg commercial presence in the African regions.

Interested companies are kindly requested to duly complete the attached registration form and return it by e-mail to:, no later than December 14, 2015. For further information about this upcoming event, feel free to contact Mr. Jean-Claude Vesque (Tel: 42 39 39-311 – 621 144 825).