Economic mission to Colombia and Peru

Montag 21 Okt 2013 > Sonntag 27 Okt 2013

Mission économique

Montag 21 Okt 2013 > Sonntag 27 Okt 2013

Colombia - Peru

The Chamber of Commerce of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg will organize a multi-sectoral economic mission to Colombia and Peru from the 21st to the 27th of October 2013. The objective of this trade mission is to promote and strengthen the commercial and economic ties between Colombia and Peru on one hand and Luxembourg on the other.

The official mission will start on Monday, October 21, in Bogota, Colombia and on Wednesday, October 23, the delegation will continue to Lima, Peru. Sectoral workshops as well as matchmaking meetings with local companies will be organized in both locations in collaboration with our local partner Mrs. Marjorie Inghels, commercial attaché at the Belgian Embassy in Bogota. In order to prepare the matchmaking appointments, Mrs. Inghels will be at the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg on July 1st and 2nd in order to personally meet all the companies which show an interest in participating in the economic mission.


Trade barriers between the EU and Colombia and Peru were lifted as of March 1, 2013, when the EU's trade agreement was applied. The Agreement will open up markets for both EU and Colombian and Peruvian exporters. In this context, the agreement will substantially improve market access for Luxembourg exporters. In the long run, exporters of industrial products will no longer have to pay customs duties and markets for agricultural products will be opened up considerably. 


Besides the trade dimension of the agreement, the new regime will improve investment conditions, providing a stable, transparent, predictable and enforceable business environment. The Trade Agreement will improve the already increasing business relations between Colombia, Peru and Luxembourg. This is expected to create significant new opportunities for businesses and consumers on both sides.