Social Innovation BarCamp “Link up to address tomorrow’s Societal Challenges” in collaboration with the House of Startups
on March 30, 2023, from 09:00-17:00, followed by a networking cocktail.
In presence of
Mr FRANZ FAYOT, Minister of the Economy, for the Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs Mr GEORGE ENGEL, Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social & Solidarity Economy
officially launching a CALL FOR PROJECTS for socially innovative businesses.
Entrepreneurs, social innovation experts, incubators, government representatives, startups, and students.
- 08:30 - Arrival and Breakfast
- 09:00 - Welcoming words
- 09:15 - Keynote speech by Bas Van ABEL, Co-founder of Fairphone
- 10:00 - BarCamp Launch
- 10:30 - Announcement of Call for Projects by Ministers Franz Fayot and Georges Engel
- 11:30 - BarCamp session and Lunch
- 14:00 - BarCamp Afternoon session
- 15:30 - Key Takeaways
- 17:00 - Networking Cocktail
More info here