Luxembourg presence at the RIPE77 congress in Amsterdam

Montag 15 Okt 2018 > Freitag 19 Okt 2018


Montag 15 Okt 2018 > Freitag 19 Okt 2018

Amsterdam (NL)



LU-CIX and the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce have the pleasure to invite you to take part in the RIPE77 meeting, which will take place in Amsterdam (NL) from 15th to 19th October 2018.

The Luxembourg presence at RIPE77 is organised by LU-CIX in partnership with the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and will be highlighted by:

  • a welcome reception / an evening networking event on Monday 15th October;
  • a visit of the ATOS Business Technology and Innovation Center on Tuesday 16th October.

In case of interest, please register on the following link:

By registering here, you only register for the visit of the ATOS Centre. To register for the RIPE 77, please visit the RIPE 77 website.

A RIPE Meeting is a five-day event where Internet service providers, network operators and other interested parties from around the world gather to:

  • Participate in discussions about the policies and procedures used by the RIPE NCC to allocate Internet number resources;
  • Participate in the RIPE Working Group sessions to discuss current technical and policy issues;
  • Share experiences, latest developments and best common practices;
  • Develop their network of peers in the Internet community;
  • Meet at lunches, coffee breaks and informal social events.

RIPE Meetings are open to everyone. They bring together people from different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and genders. The RIPE community is unique and prides itself on providing a safe, supportive and respectful environment.

For more information about the event:

LU-CIX, the LUxembourg Commercial Internet eXchange ( was founded in 2009 based on a non-profit membership association with an open and neutral philosophy. Its aim is to develop the Internet and support the data center community in Luxembourg. As well as providing the technical infrastructure LU-CIX also makes a major contribution to the Luxembourg Internet community through its leading industry event, Luxembourg Internet Days which takes place in November every year and attracts over a thousand industry experts and decision makers from around the globe.

LU-CIX also runs the website, which provides a shared communication platform for all the players in the Luxembourg data center and Internet arena and promotes Luxembourg as the best place for your European data center and ICT business in the heart of Europe.


For more information, please contact the International Affairs team
(Contact person: Mr Niels Dickens - Phone: 42 39 39 – 360; e-mail: