Startup nation Luxembourg

Last Friday, the 8th of November, the Czech Prime Minister, Mr Andrej Babiš, along with delegates, stopped by the House of Startups (HoST) to conclude their official two-day visit to Luxembourg
Mr Babiš was received by Mr Carlo Thelen, Director General of the Chamber of Commerce, and Mr Tom Baumert, Director of Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce and CEO of the House of Entrepreneurship/Chamber of Commerce. They discussed the mission of the House of Startups, inaugurated by the Chamber of Commerce in 2018, and explained the advantages for startups that are growing within HoST's incubators, as well as how HoST works to create real impact for the Luxembourg economy by supporting entrepreneurs with innovative ambitions. The House of Startups was indeed set up by the Chamber of Commerce with a vision to become a driving force for the innovation ecosystem in Luxembourg. With nearly 6,000 sqare metres, the HoST welcomes a diverse community of innovation hubs and offers expert services for mature startups.
The visit was also an opportunity to meet with representatives from innovation hubs such as the Luxembourg-City Incubator, launched by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and the City of Luxembourg, Hub@Luxembourg, The LHoFT - Luxembourg House of Financial Technology, and ICFA - International Climate Finance Accelerator. During the visit, Mr Babiš also got acquainted with local startups like Rafinex, Finologee, Zenview and Serimus.
More information here: www.host.lu