Are you a Luxembourg-based company trying to Go International or already established abroad? Then the Go International Gateway is your new starting point.
The Go International Gateway brings together the international ecosystem of Luxembourg. It gives you not only an overview of the main Luxembourg Trade & Invest partners, but also indicates you the right contact persons for your requests regarding internationalisation. In a comprehensive way, you will find the contact data of trade and invest experts, thematic advisors well as trade fair specialists both in Luxembourg and abroad. Moreover, the platform presents you the network of accredited bilateral chambers and business clubs.
In the section SERVICES you will find an overview of all services in the field of internationalisation from which you - as Luxembourg company - can benefit. The service offer includes events abroad such as trade missions, national pavilions and trade fair visits, as well as a whole range of other services. Do you know the tender alert service, the Business Partnership Facility or the carnet ATA? Do you want to know more about export credits or the label “Made in Luxembourg”? You will find all relevant information in the SERVICES section.
If you need more information or need advice on any topic related to internationalisation or foreign markets, visit the BOOK A MEETING section. You will be able to book a meeting with a whole team of international affairs advisors just by clicking on the market or topic of your interest.
This new platform is brought to you by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with its Luxembourg Trade & Invest partners. Access the platform now on Go International Gateway.
Your contact: Louise Aubry - Junior International Affairs Advisor, Matchmaking - +352 42 39 39 532 / louise.aubry@cc.lu