Global Village on the Move

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and Lehigh University's Iacocca Institute are glad to announce the launch of the website www.gvotm.lu, which highlights the news and program around the Global Village On the Move (GVOTM) event in Luxembourg.
GVOTM is a mobile version of Lehigh University's highly acclaimed Global Village for Future Leaders of Business and Industry® program. The Global Village program builds on the central mission that the knowledge of business and industry, the skills of leadership and entrepreneurship, and the continuous development of a powerful global network are essential for today's most successful young professionals.
GVOTM programs focus on unique business and cultural environments. They are held in exceptional centers of business around the world and aim to provide a professional level educational experience to participants with a great deal of customization and a flavor of the local and regional business culture and landscape.
A clear and well structured source of information
The website is divided into 7 main categories:
- GVOTM 2016: this section introduces the general program, which carries the title "Leading Business Beyond Borders".
- Organizers: this section contains information on the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and the Iacocca Institute that organize the GVOTM program in 2016. It also lists the various local and international partners who contribute to the high quality program.
- Program: in the form of a schedule, this section provides details about the program and the speakers.
- Register: this section provides useful information about travelling to Luxembourg registration and payment policies and gives access to the application form.
- Travel&Hotel: this section provides useful guidance and information for international participants about visa procedures, transportation and accommodation.
- Activities: this section describes the variety of business learning experiences that the GVOTM program offers.
- News&Media: this section provides latest updates about GVOTM 2016
On future visits to the website, you will find it populated with topics selected to give insights into the GVOTM experience.
For any questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, please contact us:
Luxembourg Contact: Doris Mulombe Attachée Chambre de Commerce du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Email: doris.mulombe@cc.lu Tel: +352 42 39 39-225 | U.S. Contact: Trisha S. Alexy US Managing Director Global Village On the Move Programs Iacocca Institute ® Website: www.iacocca-lehigh.org Email: tsa2@lehigh.edu Tel.: +1 610 758-5664 |