The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and its Enterprise Europe Network, in collaboration with Startup Luxembourg, organised a trade fair visit from 1st to 3rd November to the WEBSUMMIT. 42 Luxembourg companies consisting of 56 participants seized this opportunity to be a part of the Luxembourg Delegation at this renowned international event to follow the latest tech trends & innovations and gain international traction.
70,000 attendees and 2,000 startups participated in this year’s edition which was completely sold out 2 weeks before the event. This illustrates the importance of the WEBSUMMIT in shaping the global tech & innovation trends. It is known to be a one stop shop where startups showcase their innovative technologies, meet investors or potential business partners. Content rich conferences, key notes of tech evangelists, corporates showcasing their innovation road maps, country pavilions presenting their ecosystems, buzzing startup zones and the crowded alleys are the main aspects that characterise this edition of WEBSUMMIT perfectly.
Given its multicultural dynamic and the importance of international markets, Luxembourg continued its tradition to leverage the presence of several delegations at the WEBSUMMIT at its Official Networking reception this year. Organised at the Landmark Myriad by Sana, this international evening welcomed the presence of around 150 participants from 14 different countries. The evening that celebrated the power of connections acted as a cornerstone for Luxembourg companies to engage with foreign counterparts.
The reception included welcome remarks by several members of the Luxembourg ecosystem including Amrita Singh, Senior International Affairs Advisor, Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce who highlight the importance of WEBSUMMIT and tech sector for Luxembourg. Her Excellency Ms Martine Schommer, Ambassador of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg to Portugal addressed the gathering while expressing her joy over the ability to gather companies from different countries and welcomed the willingness of foreign delegations to strengthen their commercial ties with Luxembourg. This was followed by a speech from Philippe Linster, CEO of the House of Startups who highlighted Luxembourg’s dynamic startup ecosystem and all the support measures that are provided to young innovative companies in the country.
Luxembourg witnessed a strong participation at the Summit this year. 7 Luxembourg companies participated in WEBSUMMIT as exhibitors, namely emma, Eon Rift, Krypton AI, Lodago, Mission Space, WhyEva as well as Madalore Partners. Mission Space and Lodago were also selected for the pitching sessions.
Furthermore, in addition to actively using the Web Summit app to make connections, the Luxembourg delegation also had the opportunity to participate in the Lisbon Beyond Summit International matchmaking event organised in a hybrid format by the Enterprise Europe Network counterparts from IAPMEI – The Portuguese Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation, Coordinator of the Enterprise Europe Network in Portugal.
The 2022 edition of Web Summit was certainly very promising, and the Luxembourg companies have already showcased their impatience to attend the next edition.