Startup Guide

Startup Guide is launching its popular entrepreneurial handbook in Luxembourg in partnership with its main project facilitator and supporter Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.
Packed with city essentials, inspiring interviews with founders and insightful tips from experts, Startup Guide Luxembourg is the first book dedicated to the country’s startup scene. Its mission is to guide, empower and inspire entrepreneurs in Luxembourg to transform their business ideas into reality.
Luxembourg ranks high in economics, education, life expectancy and income on the Human Development Index. The high number of educated international people combined with the stable economy make it a perfect recipe for a successful entrepreneurial community. Though many are used to seeing thriving startup scenes in countries like the UK, France or the Nordics, they may be less likely to associate Luxembourg with those mentioned, as Luxembourg has more maturity when it comes to business and entrepreneurship. But in fact, Luxembourg is renowned as an ideal entrepreneurial destination.
“The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce strongly supports this guide. It gives future entrepreneurs the perfect handbook for starting their venture in Luxembourg and it accurately reflects our country’s thriving startup and entrepreneurial scene,” said Carlo Thelen, Director General, Chamber of Commerce, “We actively promote the spirit of entrepreneurial spirit, support the creation and development of companies and constantly thrive to optimize our services. After the success of the House of Entrepreneurship, our one-stop shop of consolidated services for entrepreneurs, we're launching the House of Startups in 2018 – a hub that offers perfect conditions and the best support to help revolutionary ideas become reality.”
Startup Guide Luxembourg is supported by Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg. The book will be released at the exclusive Grand Opening of the House of Startups on 1 June 2018 at 4 pm.
Based on traditional guidebooks that can be carried around everywhere, Startup Guide books help entrepreneurs navigate different startup hubs across the globe and are now in 18 different cities across Europe and the Middle East, including London, Berlin, Tel Aviv and Stockholm. To ensure an accurate and trustworthy guide, the book is co-created with the local startup community.
Order now the Startup Guide Luxembourg or get a copy at the House of Entrepreneurship or the House of Startups.