The Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg invited to the LEAN & GREEN Awards 2020


Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg

In order to value the sustainability goals achieved in 2020 by the companies participating in the Lean & Green program, the Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg organised the yearly Lean & Green Awards 2020 on the 13th of October 2020. At this year's Lean and Green Awards 2020, 4 additional companies were awarded for their efforts and achievements regarding the reduction of CO2 emissions generated from transportation and logistics activities.

Accordingly, in 2020, Biogros Sàrl, lux-Airport, Offergeld Logistik, and POST Luxembourg joined a club of more than 200 companies within Europe who have succeeded in reducing their CO2 emissions from transportation and logistics activities by more than 20% within 5 years. While lux-Airport, Offergeld Logistik, and POST Luxembourg received the 1st Lean and Green Star (emission reduction of >20% CO2), Biogros Sàrl is the first-ever company in Luxembourg to receive the 2nd Lean & Green Star (emission reduction of >30% CO2 & collaborative sustainable project). In Luxembourg, these 3 companies join the sustainability pioneers in the field of logistics, Arthur Welter, CFL multimodal, and LuxairCARGO, who received their 1st Lean & Green Star back in 2018.

The Lean & Green program is a sustainable logistics initiative implemented in 2009 by a Dutch non-profit network for sustainable mobility called Connekt. The initiative envisions to induce companies from the logistics and transportations sector to implement a set of self-defined optimization measures in order to reduce their CO2 emissions linked to transportation activities by at least 20%. By taking a closer look at their logistics activities and rethinking their current business processes, the companies participating at the program are able to identify potential for savings and optimization, and thus to make the best use of their resources by saving costs (Lean) and reducing CO2 emissions (Green). In Luxembourg, the Lean & Green program was adopted in 2014 in collaboration with the ministry of Mobility and Public Works (MMTP) and in the recent years more than a dozen of companies have achieved different sustainability levels within the program.

This year’s Lean & Green Awards 2020 were organised at the Chamber of Commerce by the Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg in collaboration with the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works under the form of a hybrid event, which allowed interested parties outside the Chamber of Commerce to watch the award ceremony in live. The attendance of the Minister of Energy and Spatial Planning Claude Turmes at this year’s award ceremony underlines the inter-sectorial recognition of the Lean & Green program and highlights the importance of integrating innovative and alternative energies into logistics activities.

The four awarded companies at the Lean & Green Awards 2020

2nd Lean & Green Star

  • Biogros Sàrl:
    As a sub-division of the Oikopolis group, Biogros Sàrl is active as a wholesaler of organic food. The core business activities of Biogros Sàrl are the import of organic food, the marketing of products coming from their cooperative BIOG, the packaging and preparation of finished products as well as the organ-isation of transport and logistics activities for the Naturata stores belonging to the Oikopolis group.

    As part of the Lean & Green program, Biogros Sàrl has implemented a number of different sustainabil-ity measures that have enabled the company to reduce its CO2 emissions by around 47% compared to 2018. Further, the organic food wholesaler was able to start a collaborative project with a competitor called DENNREE. Among the measures implemented are:
    • Route planning reorganisation & optimisation
    • Speed Limitation: 90 km/h to 82 km/h
    • Implementation of a tyre pressure control system
    • Use of an E-truck (End of 2020)

1st Lean & Green Star

  • lux-Airport:
    The company lux-Airport, also known as Société de l'Aéroport de Luxembourg, is the only international and the largest airport in Luxembourg. Together with the 16 airlines operating at the lux-Airport and offering more than 100 destinations worldwide, the company has seen 4.416.038 passengers pass through the lux-Airport gates. Besides the handling of passenger flights, the lux-Airport is known for its reliable and fast handling of airfreight. Thus, in terms of air cargo the lux-Airport was in 2017 the 6th most frequented airport in Europe.

    As part of the Lean & Green program, lux-Airport has implemented several sustainability measures that have enabled the company to reduce its CO2 emissions by around 26% compared to 2016. Among the measures implemented are:
    • Electric vehicles for the staff
    • Demolition of old energy-intensive buildings
    • Optimization of heating infrastructure
    • Optimization of cooling infrastructure (Parameterization of ventilation, air conditioning for op-timization and reduction of consumption)
    • Installation of LEDs & motion detectors linked to lightening
  • Offergeld Logistik:
    The company Offergeld Logistik is a logistics service provider which offers various transportation and logistics services ranging from road transportation over warehousing to Logistics 4.0. Regarding the pure transportation activities Offergeld Logistik handles a fleet of 450 trucks and 900 trailers in 8 Eu-ropean countries. In terms of warehousing and Logistics 4.0 activities, the company has currently a capacity for storing more than 480.000 palettes on 380.000 square meters in total.

    As part of the Lean & Green program, Offergeld Logistik has implemented several sustainability measures that have enabled the company to reduce its CO2 emissions by around 31% compared to 2014. Among the measures implemented are:
    • Fleet renewal of Trucks & Trailers (in 2019: 100% of the fleet in Euro 6)
    • Eco-driving: Continuous training for all drivers
    • Implementation of a tyre pressure monitoring system
  • Post Luxembourg:
    As the country's leading postal and telecommunications services operator, POST Luxembourg also of-fers ICT, financial and logistics services to its private and professional customers. The POST Luxem-bourg Group has around twenty subsidiaries whose activities complement those of POST Luxembourg and enable it to offer high-performance, high value-added products and services.

    As part of the Lean & Green program, POST has implemented several sustainability measures that have enabled the company to reduce its CO2 emissions by around 21% compared to 2014. Among the measures implemented are:
    • Optimization of delivery processes
    • Electrification of delivery fleet
    • Warehouse Location Management
    • Implementation of a CO2 management system