ASEM High-Level Forum on Digital Connectivity

Lundi 19 Juin 2017 > Mardi 20 Juin 2017

Conférence / séminaire

Lundi 19 Juin 2017 > Mardi 20 Juin 2017

19-20 June 2017

Qingdao, China

The Chamber of Commerce of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has the pleasure to inform you about an invitation to Luxembourg companies to participate in the ASEM High-Level Forum on Digital Connectivity, which China is to host in Qingdao on 19-20 June 2017.

With Asia and Europe seeing the fast-growing of digital economy, digital connectivity has recently emerged as a new area of interest and cooperation among ASEM Partners. This ASEM Initiative aims to provide a chance for policy exchanges, best practices sharing and case studies. Participants are expected to build on the previous efforts, look into the key aspects of digital connectivity, exchange ideas, views and experiences, and work together to identify possible policy suggestions and potential cooperation.

Organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China (MOFA), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China (MIIT), and the Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM) as well as the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), the Seminar seeks to gather a wide range of participants, including government officials, business representatives, researchers and experts, as well as from related regional and international organizations. The goal is to bring together policymaking and professional practice/expertise.

The Forum, endorsed by the 11th ASEM Summit and co-sponsored by Singapore, will focus on the theme “Unleashing Potential for Innovative Growth” and hold discussions on four topics, including “IT Industry Cooperation and Development” , “Digital Infrastructure” , “Cross-Border E-commerce” and “Big Data and Industry Upgrading”. It aims to bring together high-level government officials, business leaders and academics and provide a platform to look into the key aspects of digital connectivity, to exchange ideas, views and experiences, and to work together to create opportunities to strengthen cooperation among ASEM members.

The Chamber of Commerce the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg supports the organisers of the Forum in order to facilitate the participation of Luxembourg companies. The initial invitation including ‘Administrative circular’, ‘Tentative program’ and ‘Concept paper’, with the information of the venue as well as the recommended accommodation is enclosed; please note that the participation is free of charge. Should you need assistance to apply for your visa to China, please don’t hesitate to ask us.

In case of interest, please kindly fill the attached registration form and send it by email to no later than 9 May 2017.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact
Ms. Na Shi at International Affairs, +352 42 39 39 - 364.