Business meets Research 2015

Jeudi 21 Mai 2015

Conférence / séminaire

Jeudi 21 Mai 2015


City of Sciences, Esch-Belval/Chamber of Commerce, Luxembourg City

Building bridges – such is the main objective of the Luxinnovation Forum "Business meets Research". The main ambition is to build bridges between private companies and public research laboratories that could benefit from collaborating with each other in the field of research and innovation. For the first time ever, Business meets Research will offer participants the opportunity to visit research laboratories and see researchers demonstrate their latest projects, technologies and equipment in their everyday working environment. The 2015 edition of the event, which will take place on 21-22 May, will also build a bridge between Luxembourg City and the future City of Sciences in Esch-Belval and include sessions in both places.

Discover Luxembourg's public research organisations

Thematic visits:

  •     Visit 1:  Web 3.0 Business Intelligence
  •     Visit 2:  People, Cars and Digital Forensics
  •     Visit 3:  Digital Humanities Lab
  •     Visit 4:  Digital Fabrication and Manufacturing
  •     Visit 5:  Systems Biomedicine and ICT
  •     Visit 6:  From Immunodiagnostics to Immunotherapy
  •     Visit 7:  Nanomaterials towards Applications
  •     Visit 8:  Environmental Technologies
  •     Visit 9:  Opto-Electronics
  •     Visit 10: Innovation in Sustainable Construction
  •     Visit 11: Laboratory for Solid Structures
  •     Visit 12: Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision

 Places are limited – first come, first served!

 Keynote speaker:  Prof. Dr Gabriel Crean, Future CEO Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Chairman Sherpa Group – Key Enabling Technologies (KET) High-Level Expert Group

Keynote presentation on Key Enabling Technologies as Drivers of Competitiveness


Fraunhofer IBMT presents mobile lab technologies

Visit the Labor der Zukunft ("Laboratory of Tomorrow"), a mobile laboratory by Fraunhofer IBMT in the field of biobanking and epidemiology.


Innovation Matchmaking

Bilateral face-to-face meetings organised upon request with representatives of companies and public research laboratories.


For any questions, please contact Dr Isabelle Hinkel, Luxinnovation, +352 43 62 63 655,


Full programme and registrations: