CYEL Gala 2021

Mercredi 1 Déc 2021

Création d'entreprise

Mercredi 1 Déc 2021

at 18:30

Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg Kirchberg

The Junior Chamber International of Luxembourg (JCI) has the pleasure to announce that the 15th edition of the Creative Young Entrepreneurs of Luxembourg (CYEL) Awards Ceremony will take place on 

1st December of at 18:30
Chamber of Commerce
Luxembourg Kirchberg

As every year, three finalists will be awarded as the most creative and outstanding entrepreneurs in Luxembourg.  

Deadline for the applications: 1st of November
A selection of 10 candidates will then be presented to the jury.  

The Prizes
Several prizes are  available for our finalists 

  • cash award for the three finalists,
  • free promo video realised by by our historical partner  of video producer IZICAST,
  • access to the international network of JCI and participation to the European JCI competition,
  • free media exposure on Luxembourg medias
  • few consulting  by our partners, based on their own activity of expertise
  • a Surface offered by Microsoft for the winner
  • 12 months coaching/tutorial offered by Candi Carrera, Country Manager, Microsoft Luxembourg

The final gala will be hosted on the 1st of December at the Chamber of Commerce.
Participation via invitation only at (CovidCheck regime applies)

Key note speaker: Ilana Devillers We are very proud to have Ilana Devillers, CEO and founder of F4A as key note speaker of our event.  Ilana participated in 2018 as candidate, and was awarded the << Coup de Coeur >> by the jury. Since then, her career was impressive, and we like to think that our competition was just the first step of her exciting journey! She will share her feedback and personal experience with our audience Master of ceremony: Pedro Castlho JCI Luxembourg Senator, Pedro Castilho is a well established networker and speaker in Luxembourg. A mentor at the Incubator of the University of Luxembourg, a board member at the International School of Luxembourg and the founder of Verbalius, a company dedicated to help people speak in public, he's back at the CYEL as a moderator.