From research results to markets

Mercredi 28 Juin 2017 > Jeudi 29 Juin 2017

Conférence / séminaire

Mercredi 28 Juin 2017 > Jeudi 29 Juin 2017

28-29 June 2017

“Maison du Savoir” 3rd floor, Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg


Wednesday, 28 June 2017
Moderator: Riccardo Pietrabissa, Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

13.30 - Registration

14.00 - Welcome

  • Sasha Baillie, Deputy chief of staff to the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy, Ministry of Economy, Luxembourg
  • Yves Elsen, President of the Board, University of Luxembourg
  • Jean-Michel Zilliox, Director IP Programme, European Patent Academy, European Patent Office

14.15 - Benefits of patent information for researchers

  • Serge Quazzotti, Intellectual Property Institute Luxembourg GIE, Luxembourg

14.45 - Patent or publish

  • Katrin Hussinger, Associate Professor in Strategy and Organisation, Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, University of Luxembourg

15.15 - Choosing the right protection of research results

  • Sigmar Lampe, Counsel IP and Licensing, Technology Transfer Office, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

15.45 - Coffee break

16.15 - Panel discussion: Commercialisation of research results

  • Silke Meyns, Head of Team Patents and Licensing,ETH Transfer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • Thomas Carell, Technical University Munich,Germany
  • Antonio Lopez-Carrasco Comajuncosas,I & D Department, Telefonica, Spain
  • Ulf Petrusson, Director CIP, University of Gothenborg,Sweden

17.30 - End

18.00 - Visit of Belval Campus : Industrial culture heritage tour

19.00 - Gala dinner hosted by the Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economy


Thursday, 29 June 2017
Moderator: Tom Hockaday, Technology transfer consultant, Technology Transfer Innovation, United Kingdom

09.00 - Best practices: Ownership of results – how to manage co-ownership

  • Eric Tschirhart, Special advisor for technology transfer and fundraising, University of Luxembourg,Luxembourg
  • Alexandros Papaderos, Head Patents and Licenses,Technical University Munich, TUM ForTe – Office for Research and Innovation, Germany
  • Arne Jacobsson, Chairman of the Association of Swedish Universities Intellectual Property Professionals, University of Linköping, Sweden

10.00 - Best practices: Entrepreneurship

  • Diego de Biasio, CEO, Technoport, Luxembourg
  • Martin Guerin, CEO, nyuko, Luxembourg

10.40 - Q&A session

11.00 - Coffee break

11.30 - Assessment of market opportunities

  • Hannes De Wachter, Helix 3D, Belgium

12.00 Proof of concept

  • Andreea Monnat, Head of Unit Innovation Programmes, Luxembourg National Research Fund, Luxembourg

12.30 - Access to finance – developing a start-up with venture capital

  • Alain Rodermann, Expon Capital, Luxembourg

13.00 - Lunch

14.00 - End of the conference


Draft programme

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