How to start a start-up?

Mercredi 24 Juin 2015

Conférence / séminaire

Mercredi 24 Juin 2015


Technoport (Esch-sur-Alzette)

Are you interested in learning more about how to create a successful start-up? The lecture series "How to start a start-up" from Stanford University gives you a unique opportunity to listen to famous US entrepreneurs and investors who share their personal experience on how to come up with brilliant business ideas, design products people love and raise venture capital. Luxembourg experts will also present their experiences and answer your questions.

Join us once a week at start-up co-working spaces or business incubators to watch a lecture from Stanford University featuring, among others, Peter Thiel (Founder of Paypal, Palantir or Founders Fund) and Kevin Hale (Founder of Wufoo and Partner at Silicon Valley seed fund provider Y Combinator). After the video session, Luxembourg's most renowned entrepreneurs and investors will add their local perspective and discuss with participants.

Be aware that places are limited and if you want to attend, please make sure to be on time in order to get a seat. Registered participants have priority.

Hiring and early team

18:00 - Registration

18:30 - Hiring and Early Team

Patrick and John Collison, Founders, Stripe

Ben Silbermann, Founder & CEO, Pinterest

with the on-site participation of Laurent Kratz, Neofacto and Mike Koedinger, Maison Moderne