IBM Centennial Lecture : Tomorrow’s World of IT

Lundi 5 Déc 2011

Conférence / séminaire

Lundi 5 Déc 2011


Room C2 Chambre de Commerce, Kirchberg

With a turnover of around 100 B$ and 20 B$ pre-tax income, IBM is the largest IT company of 2010. In 2011, IBM has turned 100 years of existence: a good reason to look back to the company’s rich past – from the first typewriter to the most advanced computer technology – but also to look ahead to the future.

What are the concepts and results produced in IBM’s research labs today? How is fundamental research transferred to applications and service-focused results? What are IBM’s ‘big bets’ in the fast changing world of research and business? And how are these two ‘dimensions’ synchronised?

When and where do research, applications and business meet? What is the importance of the technological breakthroughs of its own and of associated labs in the development of new services? And how could (or should?) IBM and academia team up to embed these developments in our region?

What is the role of the ‘new students’, and how can they, in close collaboration with professors and university faculties, ensure again that new concepts enter quickly into changing sectors and organisations? What could be the contribution to the prosperity of our industry and the future for our region?

How do the sales activities and the rich history of this multinational evolve with changing business models, such as the emergence of Corporate Social Responsibility and Open Innovation?

And how do the strengths of IBM in the world of IT and services relate to the development of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China)?

To participate and raise a question upfront, please do send your input to before 4 December.