International Standards: creating confidence in IT

Vendredi 14 Oct 2011

Conférence / séminaire

Vendredi 14 Oct 2011

9.00 - 17.00

Centre de conférences, Chambre de Commerce

On the occasion of the World Standards Day, ILNAS (The Luxembourg Institute for Standardization, Accreditation, Security and quality of products and services) and the Chamber of Commerce will organize a conference dedicated to standardization in Information Technology (IT).

The aim of this event is to raise economic actors’ awareness of the importance of IT standardization. Not only it is crucial for them to apply standards but it is also more and more relevant to get involved in the development of them.

After an overview of IT international standardization and the participation of Luxembourg in this field, some experts will give their output and share their experience. Then, the conference will focus on “Cloud Computing”, which is specifically an emerging standardization topic within the ISO/IEC JTC1 committee.

For further information:

Aurélie Couvidat - - Tel:(+352) 46 97 46 70 -

Online registration via Luxembourg School for Commerce