Meet a mentor : Startup financing in real life ...

Jeudi 13 Fév 2020

Conférence / séminaire

Jeudi 13 Fév 2020

12:15 - 14:00

House of Startups

In the first session of “Meet a Mentor” in 2020, you will have the opportunity to meet with the mentor Alain Tayenne.

As an executive of established corporates and SMEs (AXA, FRS Global, Talk Finance, BAE Systems and now co-founder and COO of the Luxembourg-based scale-up Carpay-Diem), Alain has proven experience in developing smaller businesses into successful global companies as well as in digital transformation across sectors such as financial intelligence, financial crime, risk and compliance (Fintech & Regtech) and mobile payment.

Alain will share about his own experience at CarPay-Diem, the various sources of financing they have accessed so far or have declined as well as the various temptations they had to resist to.


  • 12.15 pm Welcome - Rachel Gaessler
  • 12.30 pm “Startup financing in real life” presented by Alain Tayenne
  • 13.00 pm Q&A & free discussion with Alain
  • 13.30 pm Snacking and networking


Please register HERE before February 11th.



About BusinessMentoring Luxembourg

BusinessMentoring Luxembourg is a program offering business leaders a learning and development partnership with an experienced mentor over a period from 6 to 18 months. Thanks to mentorship, business leaders have improved their soft skills, broken their isolation and doubled the survival rate of their enterprise. Already 150 business leaders have been supported by a mentor! More info at www.businessmentoring.luBusinessMentoring Luxembourg is an initiative launched by the Chamber of Commerce in 2010 and offered as one of the "one stop-shop services"provided by the House of Entrepreneurship.