Official Mission to China

Dimanche 1 Mai 2016 > Vendredi 6 Mai 2016

Mission économique

Dimanche 1 Mai 2016 > Vendredi 6 Mai 2016

Guangzhou (Canton), Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing

The Chamber of Commerce of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in collaboration with the Ministry of the Economy will organise an economic mission to China from the 1st to the 6th of May 2016.

This delegation is headed by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in presence of Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess and led by H.E. Mr. Étienne Schneider, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy. The objective of this mission is to promote the Luxembourg economy in a larger and deeper scope and to strengthen the commercial ties between China and Luxembourg. The mission will start with an accompanied visit to the China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair). Economic seminars followed by tailor-made B2B matchmakings will be organised by our local partners respectively in the cities of Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. The agency "Luxembourg for Tourism" will organise promotional workshops. Companies may also participate in the Automotive Component Workshop as well as the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Consulate General of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office in Shanghai.

In 2015, Chinese GDP growth, despite its lowest level for a quarter century, remains at 6.9%. The slow-down is the result of China rebalancing its economy. 2016 marks the beginning of China's 13th Five Year Plan that will help put China's growth on a more solid foundation and create opportunities for sustainable growth in the long run. With its economy expected to grow at 6 to 7 percent and its chair of the G20, China can ensure its role as a fully engaged member of the global economy.

Since the last trade mission to China took place in December 2013, it is time for Luxembourg to visit this world’s second largest economy and the leader of the advanced economic development countries again. The mission is multi-sectoral with a special focus on automotive, tourism, logistics, innovation, trading and financial services. The target regions are developed metropolitan cities located on the south and east coasts, the entrance gate of mainland China, and the capital city, respectively Guangzhou (Canton), Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. The objective is to attract the growing

Chinese oversea investors, to enhance the existing commercial relationship, to set up the first contacts with Chinese partners for start-ups and to explore more business opportunities for Luxembourg companies, in order to carry further cooperative negotiation which shall be mutually beneficial for Chinese and Luxembourg inbound and outbound investments and partnerships.

Interested companies are kindly requested to duly complete the attached registration form and send it back to the International Affairs team, e-mail:, no later than March 25, 2016. After this date, business meetings cannot be guaranteed. The cancellation fee will be 200€.

For any further information, please feel free to contact Ms. Na Shi/Mr. Daniel Sahr/Ms. Sarah Nilles; phone: 42 39 39 – 364/313/316.