We invite you to join the 14th Taiwan-Luxembourg Joint Business Council meeting that will take place on the occasion of the visit of a Taiwanese business delegation led by the Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association (CIECA), and with the support of Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office - Taipei.
You will have opportunity to meet and exchange with 10 Taiwanese companies from Automatic Machinery, Smart City and Sustainable Economy. Please find their profiles here.
When? Friday 1 December 2023
Where? Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce
What? The Taiwan-Luxembourg Joint Business Council meeting was founded in 2007 as a forum where Luxembourg and Taiwan business communities exchange ideas to further enhance cooperation in various sectors. This year’s focus sectors are Automatic Machinery, Smart City and Sustainable Economy.
The event will be followed by a matchmaking session and a networking lunch.
Interested? Please register before 27 November 2023.
Please contact:
Ms Na Shi-Bic
Senior International Affairs Advisor
T. +352 42 39 39 364
E-mail: na.shi@cc.lu
Ms Laura Dannel
Junior International Affairs Advisor
T. +352 42 39 39 375
E-mail: laura.dannel@cc.lu