"Third Industrial Revolution: what appropriation in the territories? "

Mardi 10 Oct 2017

Conférence / séminaire

Mardi 10 Oct 2017

from 11.15 am to 1 pm

at the Office of the Bratislava Region Street of Arlon 63 in Brussels

The Third Industrial Revolution is underway in several European territories: energy transition, digital technologies, post-carbon society, climate change adaptation, etc. How can we ensure that all citizens (inhabitants, entrepreneurs, decision-maker, young people, etc.) are involved in this momentum, through their work, their daily lives or their projects?

Introduction by Philippe RAPENEAU, Vice-Président of the Hauts-de-France Region

Dynamic presentations of some initiatives illustrating the implementation of the Third Industrial Revolution, followed by discussion with the participants to identify the lessons that can be drawn from these experiences.

  • Andrej ŠTEINER: concrete tools for helping cities adapt to climate change (Bratislava Region)
  • Alain SCHLESSER: supporting companies in their transition through innovative schemes (Pays de la Loire)
  • Dominique ROGER: mobility-as-a-service, a business model innovation (Luxembourg)
  • Audrey LECLERCQ : Roubaix Zéro waste, helping families to reduce waste in everyday life (Hauts-de-France)
  • Hans BEEKMAN : the Road Map Next Economy systemic approach, a method under construction to position the projects (Rotterdam – The Hague)

Debates moderator: Geoff THOMPSON

Conclusion by Peter VAN KEMSEKE, expert in the office of Maroš ŠEFCOVIC

Registration: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/regions-and-cities/2017/register.cfm before 29 September 2017