VAT - FAIA 2017 in the light of the tax reform

Vendredi 5 Mai 2017

Conférence / séminaire

Vendredi 5 Mai 2017

Friday, May 5th from 8.30 to 11.30 a.m.

Chamber of Commerce

The event « VAT – FAIA 2017 in the light of the tax reform » will takes place on Friday, May 5th from 8.30 to 11.30 a.m. at the Chamber of Commerce (Training and Conference Center). It is co-organized by the House of Entrepreneurship – One-Stop Shop, the Luxembourg VAT Authorities and EY experts.

The authorities have progressively been intensifying their request for FAIA files. In the light of the latest tax reform, VAT authorities has particularly beefed up penalties and introduced personal liability of directors while intensifying electronic audits. These changes are applicable as of 1 January 2017. These new measures highlight the reinforcement of the action of the authorities to ensure a proper functioning of the VAT system.

Thus, now more than ever, taxpayers should carefully consider their VAT position and properly monitor their VAT obligations to meet the FAIA requirements.

For more information, please consider the following link:

General information about the event:

In general, the event will help the attendees to get an insight into FAIA functioning and its requirements. They will also get the chance to interact with experts.

The event will address any natural or moral person subject to VAT in scope of FAIA, unless they are:

  • No subject to the Luxembourg Standard Chart of Accounts (SCA)
  • Taxable persons with simplified VAT compliance obligations
  • Taxable persons with a turnover not exceeding 112.000 € per calendar year,
  • Taxable persons with limited amount of yearly accounting transactions (threshold of +/- 500 transactions) and where manual controls are more relevant than electronics audits.


Target language: English (no translation)

Fee : free of charge with mandatory registration via eventbrite before 1 May, 2017

Parking facilities: underground parking available


Please note that each attendee must register for one the 2 sessions running separately, depending on the relevancy of the proposed topics based on their own situation.

For all other questions please free to contact us over the following e-mail address: