What does digital transformation mean to your business?

Mercredi 29 Nov 2017

Conférence / séminaire

Mercredi 29 Nov 2017

18h30 19h30

Chambre de Commerce

About the KeyNote conference

For SMEs, the benefits of embracing new, emerging tech are huge. For example, going digital opens up a wealth of opportunities to compete against larger organizations – a task often perceived as difficult, or perhaps even impossible, for these smaller businesses due to restricted budgets, pressures on time and resources, or low staff numbers.

At this point, public and private players in Luxembourg can all agree that digital transformation is the wave of the future. It only makes sense that with vast amounts of data accumulation, using technology and real-time data in combination to lower costs and drive revenue is a foregone conclusion. This is true for the larger players as well as the 32000 small and midsize business enterprises (SMEs) in Luxembourg, playing a leading role in economic growth and job creation. But, like any paradigm shift that changes people’s way of thinking, digital transformation, for whatever reasons, is however being gradually adopted.

Some of the more savvy and forward-thinking SMEs are already transforming their businesses with technology to be more competitive against larger players, to add capabilities to their businesses, and to stand out from their peers. But widespread adoption has not been entirely achieved. In this line, the Chamber of Commerce, along with the Government and the clc has been working on new support schemes such as the PAKT-PRO Commerce.

The Chamber of Commerce indeed actively promotes the spirit of enterprise and supports the creation and development of companies. After the success of the House of Entrepreneurship, its one-stop shop of consolidated services for entrepreneurs, the Chamber is launching the House of Start-Ups in 2018 – a hub that offers perfect conditions and the best support to innovative and digital-driven startups.

The seminar – held to mark the two-day event “Entrepreneurs’ Days” organized by the House of Entrepreneurship - one-stop shop, will feature KeyNote Speaker Alex Hunter, brand & CX expert and Virgin America Founding Team Member.

During the evening, the following questions will be addressed:

  • what does the term 'digital transformation' mean and why should smaller and larger SMEs be getting on board?
  • how does a company implement a digital strategy and how is it related to branding / loyalty matters?

The conference is held in English. A translation to French will be available.

Please follow this link to registrate to this conference


A propos de notre conférence principale

Si hier le digital semblait être une tendance, il s’agit aujourd’hui d’un véritable levier de croissance pour les entreprises de toute taille et de tout secteur, et ce, en BtoB comme en BtoC. Nouveaux objets connectés, Cloud, Big Data… autant d’outils au service de la performance de l'entreprise et de la stratégie client.

Selon une récente étude du cabinet McKinsey, le numérique représenterait 5,5 % du PIB de nos voisins français et sa part pourrait doubler dans les prochaines années.

Néanmoins, l'Europe - et le Luxembourg - semblent encore avoir du chemin à faire. Sur une échelle de 0 à 100 rendant compte de la numérisation de l'économie, les Etats-Unis seraient aujourd'hui à 18, l'Europe à 12. C'est le principal enseignement de l'étude de McKinsey, « Digital Europe ; pushing the frontier, capturing the benefits », parue en 2016.

Face à cette ascension fulgurante du numérique, il semble difficile de passer à côté de la transformation digitale, non ? Mais concrètement, quelles sont les implications, les défis et les  opportunités qui émanent du digital pour votre entreprise?

C'est ce que nous vous invitons à découvrir le 29 novembre dès 18h30 à la Chambre de Commerce en compagnie du conférencier, entrepreneur et business angel Alex Hunter, internationalement reconnu pour son expertise en matière de transition digitale et d'expérience client.

A son actif, des interventions lors d'événements mondiaux majeurs tels que as ad:tech, Future of Web Apps, Thinking Digital, Marketing 2.0, CIO Connect, iStrategy, Tech4Africa, MARKA, SuperReturn, and Internet World.

Pour découvrir sa biographie, c'est par ici: http://www.haebc.com/.