VivaTechnology Paris Accompanied visit on 15th & 16th June 2022

Mercredi 15 Juin 2022 > Jeudi 16 Juin 2022

Foire / salon
Go International
Chambre de Commerce

Mercredi 15 Juin 2022 > Jeudi 16 Juin 2022


The Enterprise Europe Network of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce has the pleasure to inform you about the accompanied visit that will be organised to VivaTechnology Paris from 15th -16th June 2022 in Paris. As Europe’s biggest startup and tech event acting as a catalyst for digital transformation, VivaTechnology brings together innovative actors to ignite positive change in business and for society and represents the ideal place to discover the latest innovations, pioneering startups and inspiring speakers.

When? 15th - 16th June 2022

Where: Portes de Versailles, Paris (FR)

Preferential price: 140 EUR / Startup Full Pass (instead of 210 EUR excluding VAT)

250 EUR / Attendee Full Pass (instead of 450 EUR excluding VAT)

As the number of preferential tickets are limited, the "first come, first served" principle will be applied.

A joint business trip is proposed, which includes the following services: entrance ticket, recommendation for train and accommodation, transfers from the fair to the recommended hotel and invitation to the Luxembourg Networking Event.



In parallel to the VivaTechnology Paris trade fair, Luxembourg will also be present at Eurosatory, which is entirely dedicated to defense and security. For more information :


The Team of the Enterprise Europe Network-Luxembourg remains at your disposal for any further information and assistance.

Ms Annelore Domingos
EEN Project Officer
International Affairs - EU Services & Cooperations
T. (+352) 42 39 39 - 378 / 333