International Affairs

The NATO Delegations of Luxemburg, Belgium, and the Netherlands organised the 2019 NATO BENELUX Industry Day in Brussels on the 22nd March 2019 in collaboration with the defence & security industry federations NIDV (NLD), Agoria-BSDI (BEL), and the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.
The programme included speeches by the NATO Ambassadors as well as informative presentations on business opportunities within the NATO context. This year’s 9th edition of the event focused on NATO-EU co-operation and NATO business opportunities from NCIA and NSPA. Luxembourg was well represented with nearly 50 participants out of a total of about 200 BENELUX representatives.
The event was organised at the prestigious new NATO Headquarters in Brussels and provided an excellent opportunity to remain fully informed about relevant developments within the NATO environment and meet and discuss with colleagues from industry and government.
The invitation to this event was sent to our defense listing and the event was organised on an “invitation only” basis. If you wish to participate in the 2020 edition of this event, please send an email to defense@cc.lu to be added to the listing.