International Affairs

On Friday June 29th, 2018, a delegation from the Moscow City Government lead by H.E.Mr. Sergey Cheremin, Minister of the Moscow City Government, Head of the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow, came to Luxembourg to present the sectors of innovation in Moscow City.
The conference, organized as part of the "Moscow Days in Luxembourg", which has almost become an annual tradition at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, focused on the economic potential of Moscow, the ongoing investment projects, the financial cooperation between Moscow and Luxembourg as well as the latest developments in the Russian capital. You can find the presentation of the latest developments attached below.
In line with the conference theme, Mr. Carlo Thelen, General Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy, Mr. Etienne Schneider, presented the "Rifkin strategy" as well as the latest economic developments in the Grand Duchy to the delegation of some thirty Muscovite officials before giving the floor to Mr. Sergey Cheremin. The Minister of the Moscow City Government & Head of the Department for External Economic and International Relations has previously visited the Grand Duchy on several occasions and took advantage of this opportunity to highlight the excellent collaboration between his city and the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.
Following his presentation of the latest developments in his capital, he emphasized the great potential for collaboration between the Grand Duchy and the Russian Federation and offered its support for the trade mission of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce scheduled for October (14th to 17th)this year.
The 100 participants registered at the conference show that the interest is reciprocal and that the Luxembourg companies have an optimistic vision towards the economic collaboration with the Russian capital.