International Affairs

On 28 January 2021 at 9:00 – 10:00 CET / 17:00 – 18:00 Tokyo time, the ‘Go International: Japan - Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office Tokyo: The preferred partner for Luxembourg companies’ webinar was hosted by the Chamber of Commerce, in close collabration with the Ministry of the Economy and LTIO Tokyo. The event was broadcast from the Chamber’s brand new studio space and was the very first event of International Affairs in 2021, and the third one of its series aimed at promotiong 9 Luxembourg Trade and Investment Offices (LTIO): Tokyo, Seoul, Shanghai, Taipei, New York, San Francisco, Tel Aviv, Abu Dabi and Casablanca, as well as 4 Economic and Commercial Attachés in Paris, Brussels, Berlin and London. This Luxembourg Trade & Invest network set up by the Ministry and the Chamber around the globe endeavours to provide their services as well as introduce business opportunities for Luxembourg companies in their respective markets.
The webinar was kicked off by Minister of the Economy, Franz Fayot, and Cindy Tereba, International Affairs Director at the Chamber of Commerce. The Executive Director, LTIO – Tokyo, Yuriko Matsuno, gave a comprehensive presentation, ‘Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office – Tokyo, Reference for Luxembourg companies interested in the Japanese market’; followed by the presentation, ‘JETRO’s services for foreign companies’, made by Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Elodie Leroy, Business Associate, and Yoshinori Yamada, Director from JETRO Brussels. Two Luxembourg companies active in Japan gave testimonials to share their experience and knowledge regarding their success stories in conquering the market of the Land of the Rising Sun. They are, respectively, Sebastien Deblire, Key Account Manager from Codipro, and Wojciech Nazarek, Head of Privacy, Legal Counsel from Talkwalker.
A Q&A closed the webinar.
In the framework of this series of webinars, you can take advantage of a video consultation with market experts from the Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office and the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. You can find more details and register here to set up your online appointment.
Please also check out our series of online workshops to update and help companies leverage available support initiatives.
Visit www.odl.lu, the one-stop shop for the promotion of exports and financial incentives, to efficiently promote your products and services abroad.
Watch the full webinar hereafter if you missed it:
Go International: Japan - Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office Tokyo: The preferred partner for Luxembourg companies from Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce on Vimeo.
Please also kindly note the next event to be held by the EU Business in Japan association:
- Date: 24 February 2021 - from 10:30 to 11:00 AM CET
- Registration deadline: Tuesday, 23 February 2021
- More info and registration here.
The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce remains at your disposal for any further information (Contact person: Na Shi – Tel.: +352 42 39 39 364 – email: na.shi(at)cc.lu).