Economic Mission to Edinburgh & Accompanied Visit to the Circular Economic Hotspot - Glasgow

Dimanche 28 Oct 2018 > Vendredi 2 Nov 2018

Mission économique

Dimanche 28 Oct 2018 > Vendredi 2 Nov 2018

The Chamber of Commerce of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg will organise an economic mission to Edinburgh from October 28th to October 30th 2018. This mission will be followed by an Accompanied Visit, organised with the Eco Innovation Cluster of Luxinnovation, to the Circular Economy Hotspot taking place in Glasgow from October 30th to November 2nd 2018.

The economic mission will focus on ICT, innovation and circular economy. If a specific interest is signaled by any members of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce expressing an alternative focus, we will try to adapt the program accordingly.

During the above mentioned days, attendees will visit a range of top local corporates and institutions, as well as selected incubators and accelerators that are part of Edinburgh and Glasgow’s rising tech and circular economy scene. The mission also offers the possibility to present Luxembourg’s know-how and technologies and to stimulate an exchange and knowledge – sharing with the Scottish based counterparts. In addition, upon request, participating companies will have the opportunity to schedule tailor-made business meetings with local companies and institutions.

For further information, please find our draft programme attached.

If you are interested in participating in the economic mission, you are kindly requested to duly complete the online registration form no later than September 28th, 2018. For further information about this upcoming mission, please feel free to contact Anne-Catherine Fohl/ Sarah Nilles ( – T: +352 42 39 39-372/316).



Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, is a powerhouse of the Scottish economy, as well as the wider UK economy. According to the Edinburgh City Council Capital Review, Edinburgh has consistently become one of the most prosperous parts of the UK and has the strongest economy of any city in the UK outside London.

While the city has a long history in asset management and investment and was mostly known for being the second largest financial center in the UK, Edinburgh’s technology sector has also witnessed incredible growth in recent years.

As mentioned in Tech Nation’s 2018 Report, digital jobs in Edinburgh increased over 3 times the UK average between 2014 and 2017. That growth is being supported by, inter alia, the regular provision of highly skilled graduates from Edinburgh’s acclaimed universities as well as a strong collaboration between academia, the public sector and private sector.

From the high-tech manufacturing companies and established home-grown tech unicorns such as Skyscanner, to ground-breaking innovations being delivered by agile start-ups such as PureLiFI, Edinburgh offers scale and choice across most technology arenas including FinTech, MedTech and EdTech(Educational Technologies). Furthermore, acknowledged global strengths in data science, cyber security, robotics and stem cell research are driving both commercialisation and technology transfer, ensuring Edinburgh continues to enjoy a growing reputation as a global tech hub.

Circular Economy Hotspot – Glasgow

While the Circular Economy Hotspot took place in Luxembourg last year it is Scotland that has been chosen this year as host nation for Circular Economy Hotspot #CEHotspotScot—a major international event to showcase the Scottish progressive approach to developing a circular economy and the best of their burgeoning circular businesses to a global audience.

Hosted by Zero Waste Scotland in Glasgow, the program includes visits to Scottish businesses, sessions led by the foremost interlocutors in circular economy policy and innovation, and opportunities for extensive networking. Please find further information on the website of the event: