Lundi 30 Mai 2022 > Jeudi 2 Juin 2022

Foire / salon
Commerce extérieur
Go International

Lundi 30 Mai 2022 > Jeudi 2 Juin 2022

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Economy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg are pleased to invite you to participate in the national pavilion that will be organised at HANNOVER MESSE 2022 from 30th May to 2nd June 2022 in Hanover, Germany.

As the most important international trade fair dedicated to the digital transformation in the industrial sector, HANNOVER MESSE represents a global showcase, bringing together the entire industrial and innovation value chain in one place. While focusing on the latest trends in the field of Industry 4.0, Logistics 4.0, energy efficiency as well as smart grids, this leading annual business event serves as a catalyst for future topics such as AI, sustainable production and 5G.

After a digital edition in 2021, the trade show emphasizes a physical participation to highlight new technologies, solutions and innovations that will dominate the global industry scene of tomorrow. Under the motto "Portugal Makes Sense", Portugal will be the Partner Country at HANNOVER MESSE 2022 and will focus its participation areas on industrial supply, digital platforms and energy solutions.

When ? 30 May - 2 June 2022 
Where ? Hanover (D)
Key topics for 2022 : Digitalisation & Sustainability
Participation format : all-in-one physical participation, incl. innovative digital service options
Preferential participation rate : 2.000 EUR /company  ●  495 EUR / innovative startup (≤ 5 years)


REGISTRATION (see attached documents)

The national pavilion is organised by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Economy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

The International Affairs team of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce remains at your entire disposal for any further information.

Annelore Domingos
International Affairs Officer, EU Services & Cooperations
Phone: +352 42 39 39 378