Official Mission to South Korea

Lundi 15 Juil 2019 > Jeudi 18 Juil 2019

Mission économique

Lundi 15 Juil 2019 > Jeudi 18 Juil 2019

The Chamber of Commerce of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, in close cooperation with the Ministry of the Economy, will organize an official mission led by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy, Étienne Schneider, to the Republic of Korea from the 15th to the 18th of July 2019.

Nowadays, South Korea's economy ranks 11th nominal and 14th purchasing power parity GDP in the world, identifying it as one of the G20 major economies. Thanks to a remarkable effort in education and research, the country has an efficient industry, and is one of the world leaders in the engineering, telecommunications and consumer electronics. For instance, South Korea's telecommunication companies have just commercially rolled out 5G services, ranking the country as a pioneer in this area. South Korean brands such as LG Electronics and Samsung are internationally renowned and garnered the country's reputation for its quality electronics and other manufactured goods. South Korea continues to strive to maintain global competitiveness. It is therefore included in the group of Next Eleven countries that have a high potential of joining, along with the BRICS countries, the world's largest economies in the middle of the 21st century.

The mission will start in Seoul on Monday 15th and end on Thursday 18th of July in the afternoon. Companies of all sectors of activity are welcome. Nevertheless, a special focus will be put on the ICT - with a special focus on Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, High Performance Computing and Digital Supply Chain -  Space and Logistics sectors. B2B meetings as well as company visits will be arranged for members of the Luxembourg delegation. A more detailed program will be sent to interested companies.

Besides the official mission to South Korea, the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg proposes an extension for the business delegation to attend the 12th Taiwan-Luxembourg Joint Business Council (TLJBC), which will be held in Taipei on Friday 19th of July 2019, in collaboration with Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association (CIECA). Taiwan is ranked 13th in global competitiveness index and it is well known as a global powerhouse in the ICT with very high market share in terms of worldwide shipment volume. Taking advantage of its strong ICT manufacturing capability and outstanding technologies, Taiwan is gearing up to develop more innovative and smarter solutions. The TLJBC is an annual bilateral business meeting between entrepreneurs from Luxembourg and Taiwan. It is a platform for Taiwanese and Luxembourgish companies to strengthen existing business ties and/or to explore new opportunities in the fields of trade, investment and research cooperation. During this year's TLJBC, companies from Luxembourg will have the opportunity to discuss projects in the sectors of ICT, Eco-Technology and Space.

If you wish to participate to the official mission and/or the TLJBC, please complete the registration form before the 14th of June 2019.
For further information, please feel free to contact Ms. Na Shi/Ms. Sabrina Aksil (Tel: +352 42 39 39 - 364/374; email: