Webinar - Making a Difference in Luxembourg and the U.S.

Mardi 19 Oct 2021


Mardi 19 Oct 2021

Meet the New Consul General and Executive Director of the Luxembourg Trade & Investment Office (LTIO) in San Francisco, Mr. Daniel Da Cruz &

A Presentation on Designing and Sustainable Building in Luxembourg


When? Tuesday 19 October 2021, 18:00 - 19:00 CET / noon - 1 p.m. New-York City Time

Where? Zoom, a link will be sent in the confirmation e-mail

This event is co-hosted with the Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg


First, we will welcome Mr. Da Cruz to the United States and hear from him his plans for his new role.

Next, L.S.C. Engineering Group will showcase some of its latest projects and ways of working. During the presentation our speakers, Myriam Hengesch and Samuel Majerus, will make a quick summary of the Circular Economy, they will present an overview of Luxembourg’s circular objective and some pilot projects and lastly, they will speak about the L.S.C. Engineering Group circular approach.

  • Learn how Luxembourg plans to become climate neutral by 2050
  • Find out how you can implement a circular strategy within your company

L.S.C. Engineering Group is composed of several engineering consulting firms that combine their know-how on a daily basis in order to meet the requirements of the market in the field of construction and land development.

The objective of the services offered is to accompany the client throughout a construction, renovation, or transformation project. With more than 40 years of history, the commitment and the know-how of an experienced and multidisciplinary team have raised the group to the level of the leaders of the Luxembourg market.
