International Affairs

On 14 December 2020, the Chamber of Commerce and its Enterprise Europe Network, together with the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Luxembourg Embassy in London, organised the webinar “Prepare4Brexit”: Opening of the new Economic and Trade Section at the Luxembourg Embassy in London.
This event was organised in the continuity of the ‘Prepare4Brexit’ series of conferences launched in 2019. The virtual programme aimed to give an update on the Brexit trade negotiations, to present the new economic and commercial attaché in London and to explore business opportunities in the UK.
More than 100 participants registered for the webinar which was opened by H.E. Mr Jean Asselborn, Luxembourg Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and by Mr Carlo Thelen, CEO of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.
H.E. Mr Jean Olinger, Ambassador to the United Kingdom, gave an overview of bilateral relations with the United Kingdom.
Mr Christophe Hansen, Brexit rapporteur for the European Parliament’s trade committee, gave his assessment of the state of play, as well as insights on the European Parliament’s role in the conclusion of EU trade agreements.
Mr Christophe Brighi, the new Economic and Commercial Attaché in London, presented aspects of the UK market with potential market opportunities for Luxembourg businesses
The presentations were followed by a live question and answer session.
Please find the recording of the conference hereafter.
"Prepare4Brexit" : Opening of the new Economic and Trade Section at the Luxembourg Embassy in London from Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce on Vimeo.